Source code for coscine.client

# Coscine Python SDK
# Copyright (c) 2020-2023 RWTH Aachen University
# Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
# For more information on Coscine visit

Provides the Coscine ApiClient.

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Iterator
import logging
from datetime import date, timedelta
import requests
import requests_cache
from requests.compat import quote as urlquote
from requests.utils import get_encoding_from_headers
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
import urllib3
from urllib3.util import Retry
from coscine.__about__ import __version__
from coscine.exceptions import (
from coscine.common import (
from coscine.metadata import (
from coscine.project import Project, ProjectRole
from coscine.resource import ResourceType

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ApiResponse: """ Models the response data object sent by the Coscine REST API upon a successful request. """ response: requests.Response @property def data(self) -> dict: """ The response data as a dict if it arrived in JSON format. """ data = self.json return data["data"] if "data" in data else {} @property def json(self) -> dict: """ The full response data as a dict if it arrived in JSON format. Includes response metadata. """ try: return self.response.json() except requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError: return {} @property def status_code(self) -> int: """ The status code of the response as set by Coscine. """ return self.json.get("statusCode") or 0 @property def trace_id(self) -> str: """ The Trace ID for Coscine internal error handling. """ return self.json.get("traceId") or "" @property def is_paginated(self) -> bool: """ Evaluates to True if the response is paginated, i.e. divided onto multiple pages. """ return "pagination" in self.json @property def current_page(self) -> int: """ The page number of the current page. """ if self.is_paginated: return self.json["pagination"].get("currentPage") or 0 raise AttributeError("The response is not paginated!") @property def total_pages(self) -> int: """ The total number of pages for the specified PageSize. The PageSize is by default set to the maximum of 50. """ if self.is_paginated: return self.json["pagination"].get("totalPages") or 0 raise AttributeError("The response is not paginated!") @property def page_size(self) -> int: """ The page size of the current response data. """ if self.is_paginated: return self.json["pagination"].get("pageSize") or 0 raise AttributeError("The response is not paginated!") @property def total_data_count(self) -> int: """ The total amount of data items available. """ if self.is_paginated: return self.json["pagination"].get("totalCount") or 0 raise AttributeError("The response is not paginated!") @property def has_next(self) -> bool: """ Evaluates to True if there are more pages available. """ if self.is_paginated: return self.json["pagination"].get("hasNext") or False raise AttributeError("The response is not paginated!") @property def has_previous(self) -> bool: """ Evaluates to True if there is at least one preceding page available. """ if self.is_paginated: return self.json["pagination"].get("hasPrevious") or False raise AttributeError("The response is not paginated!")
[docs] def pages(self) -> Iterator[ApiResponse]: """ Returns all pages of the response. This may result in additional requests. """ yield self if self.is_paginated: response = self request = self.request page = 1 while response.has_next and page < 20: page += 1 request.params["PageNumber"] = page response = self.client.send_request(request) yield response
def __init__( self, client: ApiClient, request: requests.Request, response: requests.Response ) -> None: self.client = client self.request = request self.response = response
[docs] class ApiClient: """ The ApiClient communicates with Coscine by sending requests to and receiving response data from Coscine. Parameters ----------- token : str To be able to use the Coscine REST API one has to supply their Coscine API token. Every Coscine user can create their own set of API tokens for free in their Coscine user profile. For security reasons Coscine API Tokens are only valid for a certain amount of time after which they are deactivated. language : str Just like in the web interface of Coscine one can select a language preset for the Coscine API. This will localize all multi-language vocabularies and application profiles to the selected language. The language can later be switched on the fly. base_url : str Coscine is Open Source software and hosted on various domains. Via the base_url setting, the API user can specify which instance they would like to connect to. By default this is set to the Coscine instance of RWTH Aachen. verify_certificate : bool Whether to verify the SSL server certificate of the Coscine server. By default this is enabled as it provides some form of protection against spoofing, but on test instances or "fresh" installs certificates are often not used. To be able to use the Coscine Python SDK with such instances, the verify setting should be turned off. verbose : bool By disabling the verbose setting one can stop the Python SDK from printing to the command line interface (stdout). The stderr file handle is unaffected by this. This setting is particulary helpful in case you wish to disable the banner on initialization. enable_caching : bool Enabling caching allows the Python SDK to store some of the responses it gets from Coscine in a RequestCache. This cache is always active at runtime but may be saved and loaded to a file by enabling the caching setting. Entries in the cachefiles are valid for a certain amount of time until they are refreshed. With caching enabled the Python SDK is much faster. timeout : float (seconds) The timeout threshold for Coscine to respond to a request. If Coscine does not answer within the specified amount of seconds, an exception is raised. Note that setting a timeout is very important since otherwise your application may hang indefinitely if it never gets a response. use_native If enabled, up- and downloads are performed via the native providers. In the case of an s3 resource that equates to using boto3 behind the scenes. If set to False, the route via Coscine is taken, which is usually about 30% slower, less stable and has size and bandwidth limitations. """ BANNER: str = ( r" _ " "\n" r" (_) " "\n" r" ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ __ ___ " "\n" r" / __/ _ \/ __|/ __| | '_ \ / _ \ " "\n" r" | (_| (_) \__ \ (__| | | | | __/ " "\n" r" \___\___/|___/\___|_|_| |_|\___| " "\n" r" ___________________________________ " "\n" f" Coscine Python SDK {__version__} " "\n" r" " "\n" ) base_url: str session: requests_cache.CachedSession verbose: bool verify: bool timeout: float _language: str @property def language(self) -> str: """ The language setting of the ApiClient. This may be set to "en" for english or "de" for german. By default it is set to english but it can be changed on the fly even after the ApiClient has been instantiated. """ return self._language @language.setter def language(self, value: str) -> None: language = value.lower() if language not in ("de", "en"): raise ValueError( f"Invalid language value: {value}! " "Acceptable values are: 'de' or 'en'." ) self._language = language @property def version(self) -> str: """ Coscine Python SDK version string. For example: "1.0.0" """ return __version__ def __init__( self, token: str, language: str = "en", base_url: str = "", enable_caching: bool = True, verbose: bool = True, verify_certificate: bool = True, timeout: float = 60.0, retries: int = 3, use_native: bool = True ) -> None: self.base_url = base_url self.language = language self.timeout = timeout self.session = requests_cache.CachedSession( cache_name="coscine", allowable_methods=["GET"], backend="filesystem", serializer="json", use_cache_dir=True, urls_expire_after={ "*/api/v2/application-profiles/profiles*": timedelta(days=30), "*/api/v2/disciplines*": timedelta(days=30), "*/api/v2/languages*": timedelta(days=30), "*/api/v2/licenses*": timedelta(days=30), "*/api/v2/organizations*": timedelta(days=30), "*/api/v2/resource-types/types*": timedelta(days=30), "*/api/v2/roles*": timedelta(days=30), "*/api/v2/titles*": timedelta(days=30), "*/api/v2/visibilities*": timedelta(days=30), "*/api/v2/vocabularies*": timedelta(days=30), "*": requests_cache.DO_NOT_CACHE } ) self.enable_caching(enable_caching) self.session.headers.update({ "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}", "User-Agent": f"Coscine Python SDK {self.version}" }) retrycfg = Retry( total=retries, backoff_factor=1.0, status_forcelist=[502, 503, 504], allowed_methods={"GET"} ) self.session.mount("https://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retrycfg)) self.verbose = verbose self.verify = verify_certificate self.native = use_native if not verify_certificate: urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) if self.verbose: print(ApiClient.BANNER)
[docs] def enable_caching(self, enable: bool) -> None: """ Enables or disables request caching on demand. """ self.session.settings.disabled = not enable
[docs] def latest_version(self) -> str: """ Retrieves the version string of the latest version of this package hosted on PyPi. Useful for checking whether the currently used version is outdated and if an update should be performed. Examples -------- >>> if client.version != client.latest_version(): >>> print("Module outdated.") >>> print("Run 'py -m pip install --upgrade coscine'.") """ uri = "" data = requests.get(uri, timeout=60.0).json() version = data["info"]["version"] return version
[docs] def uri(self, *args) -> str: """ Constructs a URI for requests to the Coscine REST API. This method creates URLs relative to the ApiClient.base_url and escapes URL arguments for compliance with the HTTP. Parameters ----------- *args Any number of arguments that should be included in the URI. The arguments do not have to be of type string, but should be str() serializable. Examples -------- >>> ApiClient.uri("application-profiles", "profiles", profile_uri) """ suffix = "/".join((urlquote(str(arg), safe="") for arg in args)) return f"{self.base_url}/coscine/api/v2/{suffix}"
[docs] def send_request( self, request: requests.Request, stream: bool = False ) -> ApiResponse: """ Sends a requests request to Coscine. Parameters ---------- request The request that previously has been created with requests.Request(). stream If set to True, the data transfer will be streamed, i.e. performed in chunks. """ try: prepared_request = self.session.prepare_request(request) if prepared_request.body: encoding = get_encoding_from_headers(request.headers) if encoding: assert isinstance(prepared_request.body, bytes) body = prepared_request.body.decode(encoding) else: body = "<binary data>" logger.debug(body) response = self.session.send( prepared_request, stream=stream, verify=self.verify, timeout=self.timeout ) encoding = get_encoding_from_headers(response.headers) if encoding: logger.debug(response.content.decode("utf-8")) response.raise_for_status() return ApiResponse(self, request, response) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as error: self.handle_request_exception(error) raise error
[docs] def request( self, method: str, *args, stream: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> ApiResponse: """ Sends a request to the Coscine REST API. This method is used internally. As a user of the ApiClient you should use the methods ApiClient.get(),, ApiClient.put(), ApiClient.delete(), ApiClient.options() instead of directly calling ApiClient.request(). Parameters ---------- method The HTTP method to use for the request: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS, etc. *args Any number of arguments to forward to the requests.Request() stream If set to true, the response will be streamed. This means that the response will be split up and arrive in multiple chunks. When attempting to download files, the stream parameter must be set to True. Otherwise it should be left at False. *kwargs Any number of keyword arguments to forward to requests.Request() Raises ------ See coscine.ApiClient.handle_request_exception """ request = requests.Request(method, *args, **kwargs) return self.send_request(request, stream)
[docs] @staticmethod def handle_request_exception(exception: Exception) -> None: """ Raises ------ ConnectionError If the request never reaches Coscine or we never get a response. coscine.exceptions.AuthenticationError If the Coscine API token is not valid. coscine.exceptions.RequestRejected If the request reached Coscine but was subsequently rejected by the Server. """ if isinstance(exception, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): raise ConnectionError( "Failed to connect to Coscine! Check your internet " "connection or whether Coscine is currently down." ) from exception if isinstance(exception, requests.exceptions.Timeout): raise ConnectionError( "The connection timed out. This may either be " "a ConnectionError or Coscine took a lot of time " "processing the request. You can increase the timeout " "threshold of the SDK in the client settings." ) from exception if isinstance(exception, requests.exceptions.RequestException): assert hasattr(exception, "response") assert isinstance(exception.response, requests.Response) if exception.response.status_code == 401: raise AuthenticationError( "Invalid Coscine API token! The token was rejected " "by Coscine. Check whether it is expired." ) from exception raise RequestRejected( "Coscine rejected the request sent by the Coscine Python SDK " "with the following error message: " f"{exception.response.content.decode('utf-8')}." ) from exception
[docs] def get(self, *args, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse: """ Sends a GET request to the Coscine REST API. For a list of exceptions that are raised by this method or a detailed list of parameters, refer to ApiClient.request(). Parameters ---------- Refer to ApiClient.request() for a list of parameters. Raises ------- Refer to ApiClient.request() for a list of exceptions. Returns -------- dict The "data": { ... } section of the JSON-response. """ if "params" not in kwargs: kwargs["params"] = {} kwargs["params"]["PageSize"] = 50 return self.request("GET", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def put(self, *args, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse: """ Sends a PUT request to the Coscine REST API. Parameters ---------- Refer to ApiClient.request() for a list of parameters. Raises ------- Refer to ApiClient.request() for a list of exceptions. """ return self.request("PUT", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, *args, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse: """ Sends a POST request to the Coscine REST API. Parameters ---------- Refer to ApiClient.request() for a list of parameters. Raises ------- Refer to ApiClient.request() for a list of exceptions. """ return self.request("POST", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, *args, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse: """ Sends a DELETE request to the Coscine REST API. Parameters ---------- Refer to ApiClient.request() for a list of parameters. Raises ------- Refer to ApiClient.request() for a list of exceptions. """ return self.request("DELETE", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def options(self, *args, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse: """ Sends an OPTIONS request to the Coscine REST API. Parameters ---------- Refer to ApiClient.request() for a list of parameters. Raises ------- Refer to ApiClient.request() for a list of exceptions. """ return self.request("OPTIONS", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def projects(self, toplevel: bool = True) -> list[Project]: """ Retrieves a list of all Coscine projects that the creator of the Coscine API token is currently a member of. Parameters ----------- toplevel If set to True, only toplevel projects are retrieved. Set it to False to include all (sub-)projects in the results. """ uri = self.uri("projects") response = self.get(uri, params={"TopLevel": toplevel}) return [ Project(self, item) for page in response.pages() for item in ]
[docs] def project( self, key: str, attribute: property = Project.display_name, toplevel: bool = True ) -> Project: """ Returns a single Coscine Project via one of its properties. Parameters ---------- key The value of the property to filter by. property The property/attribute of the project to filter by. toplevel If set to True, only toplevel projects are searched. Set it to False to include all (sub-)projects in the search. Raises ------ coscine.exceptions.TooManyResults In case more than 1 project was found via the selected property. coscine.exceptions.NotFoundError In case the project could not be found via the selected property. """ results = list(filter( lambda project: project.match(attribute, key), self.projects(toplevel) )) if len(results) > 1: raise TooManyResults( "Found more than 1 project with a property matching " f"the key '{key}'. " "Certain project properties such as the name " "allow for duplicates among other projects. " "Use a different (unique) property to filter by!" ) if len(results) == 0: raise NotFoundError( f"Failed to find a project via the key '{key}'! " "Maybe you are looking for a subproject and have " "set the toplevel argument to False? Also check whether " "you are filtering by the correct property." ) return results[0]
[docs] def create_project( self, name: str, display_name: str, description: str, start_date: date, end_date: date, principal_investigators: str, disciplines: list[Discipline], organizations: list[Organization], visibility: Visibility, keywords: list[str] | None = None, grant_id: str = "" ) -> Project: """ Creates a new Coscine project. Parameters ---------- name The project's name. display_name The project's display name (how it appears in the web interface). description The project description. start_date Date when the project starts. end_date Date when the project ends. principal_investigators The project PIs. disciplines List of associated scientific disciplines. organizations List of organizations partaking in the project. visibility Project metadata visibility (relevant for search). keywords List of project keywords (relevant for search). grant_id The projects grant ID. """ data: dict = { "name": name, "displayName": display_name, "description": description, "startDate": start_date.isoformat(), "endDate": end_date.isoformat(), "principleInvestigators": principal_investigators, "disciplines": [ discipline.serialize() for discipline in disciplines ], "organizations": [ organization.serialize() for organization in organizations ], "visibility": visibility.serialize(), "keywords": keywords if keywords else [], "grantId": grant_id } uri = self.uri("projects") return Project(self,, json=data).data)
[docs] def search( self, query: str, category: str | None = None ) -> list[SearchResult]: """ Sends a search request to Coscine and returns the results. Parameters ----------- query The search query category The search can optionally be restricted to one of these categories: "metadata", "project" or "resource" """ uri = self.uri("search") parameters = { "Query": query, "category": category } response = self.get(uri, params=parameters) return [SearchResult(item) for item in]
[docs] def maintenances(self) -> list[MaintenanceNotice]: """ Retrieves the list of current active maintenance notices for Coscine. """ uri = self.uri("maintenances") response = self.get(uri) return [MaintenanceNotice(item) for item in]
[docs] def visibilities(self) -> list[Visibility]: """ Retrieves the list of visibility options available in Coscine. """ uri = self.uri("visibilities") response = self.get(uri) return [Visibility(item) for item in]
[docs] def visibility(self, name: str) -> Visibility: """ Returns the visibility that matches the name. Valid names are: * "Project Members" * "Public" """ results = list(filter( lambda visibility: == name, self.visibilities() )) if len(results) > 1: raise TooManyResults( f"Found more than 1 visibility with the name '{name}'!" ) if len(results) == 0: raise NotFoundError( f"Failed to find a visibility with the name '{name}'!" ) return results[0]
[docs] def disciplines(self) -> list[Discipline]: """ Retrieves the list of scientific disciplines available in Coscine. """ uri = self.uri("disciplines") response = self.get(uri) return [ Discipline(item) for page in response.pages() for item in ]
[docs] def discipline(self, name: str) -> Discipline: """ Returns the discipline that matches the name. Valid names would be for example: * "Jurisprudence 113" * "Materials Science 406" * "Medicine 205" * "Computer Science 409" * ... """ results = list(filter( lambda discipline: == name, self.disciplines() )) if len(results) > 1: raise TooManyResults( f"Found more than 1 discipline with the name '{name}'!" ) if len(results) == 0: raise NotFoundError( f"Failed to find a discipline with the name '{name}'!" ) return results[0]
[docs] def api_tokens(self) -> list[ApiToken]: """ Retrieves the list of Coscine API tokens that have been created by the owner of the same API token that was used to initialize the Coscine Python SDK ApiClient. """ uri = self.uri("self", "api-tokens") return [ ApiToken(item) for page in self.get(uri).pages() for item in ]
[docs] def self(self) -> User: """ Returns the owner of the Coscine API token that was used to initialize the ApiClient. """ return User(self.get(self.uri("self")).data)
[docs] def users(self, query: str) -> list[User]: """ Searches for users. """ response = self.get(self.uri("users"), params={"SearchTerm": query}) return [ User(item) for page in response.pages() for item in ]
[docs] def application_profile(self, profile_uri: str) -> ApplicationProfile: """ Retrieves a specific application profile via its uri. Parameters ---------- profile_uri The uri of the application profile, e.g. The trailing slash is important! """ # Since we are parsing the ApplicationProfile right away as ttl # there is not point in fetching it in any other format or letting # the user decide the format. uri = self.uri("application-profiles", "profiles", profile_uri) response = self.get(uri, params={"format": "text/turtle"}) return ApplicationProfile(self,
[docs] def application_profiles(self) -> list[ApplicationProfileInfo]: """ Retrieves the list of all application profiles that are currently available in Coscine. """ uri = self.uri("application-profiles", "profiles") return [ ApplicationProfileInfo(item) for page in self.get(uri).pages() for item in ]
[docs] def vocabulary(self, class_uri: str) -> Vocabulary: """ Retrieves the vocabulary for the class. Parameters ---------- class_uri The instance class uri, e.g. """ uri = self.uri("vocabularies", "instances") params = {"Class": class_uri, "Language": self.language} instances = [ Instance(item) for page in self.get(uri, params=params).pages() for item in ] return Vocabulary(instances)
[docs] def languages(self) -> list[Language]: """ Retrieves all languages available in Coscine. """ uri = self.uri("languages") return [ Language(item) for page in self.get(uri).pages() for item in ]
[docs] def organization(self, ror_uri: str) -> Organization: """ Looks up an organization based on its ror uri. """ uri = self.uri("organizations", ror_uri) return Organization(self.get(uri).data)
[docs] def licenses(self) -> list[License]: """ Retrieves a list of all licenses available in Coscine. """ uri = self.uri("licenses") return [ License(item) for page in self.get(uri).pages() for item in ]
[docs] def license(self, name: str) -> License: """ Returns the license that matches the name. """ results = list(filter( lambda license: == name, self.licenses() )) if len(results) > 1: raise TooManyResults( f"Found more than 1 licenses with the name '{name}'!" ) if len(results) == 0: raise NotFoundError( f"Failed to find a license with the name '{name}'!" ) return results[0]
[docs] def roles(self) -> list[ProjectRole]: """ Returns all roles that are available in Coscine, e.g. "Member", "Owner", ... """ response = self.get(self.uri("roles")) return [ProjectRole(item) for item in]
[docs] def role(self, name: str) -> ProjectRole: """ Returns the role that matches the name. """ results = list(filter( lambda role: == name, self.roles() )) if len(results) > 1: raise TooManyResults( f"Found more than 1 role with the name '{name}'!" ) if len(results) == 0: raise NotFoundError( f"Failed to find a role with the name '{name}'!" ) return results[0]
[docs] def resource_types(self) -> list[ResourceType]: """ Retrieves a list of all resource types available in Coscine. """ uri = self.uri("resource-types", "types") return [ ResourceType(item) for page in self.get(uri).pages() for item in ]
[docs] def resource_type(self, name: str) -> ResourceType: """ Returns the ResourceType that matches the name. Here name refers to the resource specificType, e.g. "rdsrwth" instead of the general type "rds". Mapping between specificType -> generalType: * "rdss3rwth" -> "rdss3" * "linked" -> "linked" * "rdss3wormrwth" -> "rdss3worm" * "rdsrwth" -> "rds" * "rdstudo" -> "rds" * "gitlab" -> "gitlab" * "rdss3nrw" -> "rdss3" * "rdss3ude" -> "rdss3" * "rdsude" -> "rds" * "rdss3tudo" -> "rdss3" * "rdsnrw" -> "rds" """ results = list(filter( lambda rtype: rtype.specific_type == name, self.resource_types() )) if len(results) > 1: raise TooManyResults( f"Found more than 1 resource types with the name '{name}'!" ) if len(results) == 0: raise NotFoundError( f"Failed to find a resource type with the name '{name}'!" ) return results[0]
[docs] def validate_pid(self, pid: str) -> bool: """ Checks the given PID for validity. """ try: if pid.startswith(""): pid = pid.partition("")[2] prefix, postfix = pid.split("/") uri = self.uri("pids", prefix, postfix) return self.get(uri).data.get("isValid") or False except (CoscineException, ValueError): return False