Source code for coscine.project

# Coscine Python SDK
# Copyright (c) 2020-2023 RWTH Aachen University
# Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
# For more information on Coscine visit


from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from os import mkdir
from os.path import isdir
from posixpath import join as join_paths
from datetime import date
from textwrap import wrap
from isodate import parse_datetime, parse_date
from tabulate import tabulate
from coscine.common import (
from coscine.resource import (
from coscine.metadata import ApplicationProfileInfo
from coscine.exceptions import NotFoundError, TooManyResults
    from coscine.client import ApiClient

[docs] class ProjectQuota: """ Projects have a set of storage space quotas. This class models the quota data returned by Coscine. """ _data: dict @property def project_id(self) -> str: """ The ID of the associated project. """ return self._data.get("projectId") or "" @property def total_used(self) -> int: """ The total used storage space in bytes. """ return int(self._data["totalUsed"]["value"] * 1024**3) @property def total_reserved(self) -> int: """ The total reserved storage space in bytes. """ return int(self._data["totalReserved"]["value"] * 1024**3) @property def allocated(self) -> int: """ The allocated storage space in bytes. """ return int(self._data["allocated"]["value"] * 1024**3) @property def maximum(self) -> int: """ The maximum available storage space in bytes. """ value = self._data["maximum"]["value"] or 0 return value * int(1024**3) @property def resource_type(self) -> ResourceType: """ The associated resource type. """ return ResourceType(self._data["resourceType"]) @property def resource_quotas(self) -> list[ResourceQuota]: """ The list of used resource quotas for the project. """ return [ ResourceQuota(data) for data in self._data["resourceQuotas"] ] def __init__(self, data: dict) -> None: self._data = data
[docs] class ProjectRole: """ Models roles that can be assumed by project members within a Coscine project. """ _data: dict @property def id(self) -> str: """ Unique and constant Coscine-internal identifier of the role. """ return self._data.get("id") or "" @property def name(self) -> str: """ Name of the role. """ return self._data.get("displayName") or "" @property def description(self) -> str: """ Description for the role. """ return self._data.get("description") or "" def __init__(self, data: dict) -> None: self._data = data def __str__(self) -> str: return
[docs] class ProjectMember: """ This class models the members of a Coscine project. """ project: Project _data: dict @property def id(self) -> str: """ Unique Coscine-internal project member identifier. """ return self._data.get("id") or "" @property def user(self) -> User: """ The user in Coscine that represents the project member. """ return User(self._data["user"]) @property def role(self) -> ProjectRole: """ The role of the member within the project. """ return ProjectRole(self._data["role"]) @role.setter def role(self, role: ProjectRole) -> None: uri = self.project.client.uri( "projects",, "members", ) self.project.client.put(uri, json={"roleId":}) def __init__(self, project: Project, data: dict) -> None: self.project = project self._data = data def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.user.display_name} as {self.role}"
[docs] class ProjectInvitation: """ Models external user invitations via email in Coscine. """ _data: dict @property def id(self) -> str: """ Unique Coscine-internal identifier for the invitation. """ return self._data.get("id") or "" @property def expires(self) -> date: """ Timestamp of when the invitation expires. """ value = self._data.get("expirationDate") or "" return parse_date(value) @property def email(self) -> str: """ The email address of the invited user. """ return self._data.get("email") or "" @property def issuer(self) -> User: """ The user in Coscine who sent the invitation. """ return User(self._data["issuer"]) @property def project_id(self) -> str: """ Project ID of the project the invitation applies to. """ return self._data["project"]["id"] @property def role(self) -> ProjectRole: """ Role assigned to the invited user. """ return ProjectRole(self._data["role"]) def __init__(self, data: dict) -> None: self._data = data def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{} as {}"
[docs] class Project: """ Projects in Coscine contains resources. """ client: ApiClient _data: dict @property def id(self) -> str: """ Unique Coscine-internal project identifier. """ return self._data.get("id") or "" @property def name(self) -> str: """ The full project name as set in the project settings. """ return self._data.get("name") or "" @name.setter def name(self, value: str) -> None: self._data["name"] = value @property def display_name(self) -> str: """ The shortened project name as displayed in the Coscine web interface. """ return self._data.get("displayName") or "" @display_name.setter def display_name(self, value: str) -> None: self._data["displayName"] = value @property def description(self) -> str: """ The project description. """ return self._data.get("description") or "" @description.setter def description(self, value: str) -> None: self._data["description"] = value @property def principal_investigators(self) -> str: """ The project investigators. """ return self._data.get("principleInvestigators") or "" @principal_investigators.setter def principal_investigators(self, value: str) -> None: self._data["principleInvestigators"] = value @property def start_date(self) -> date: """ Start of project lifecycle timestamp. """ value = self._data.get("startDate") or "1998-01-01" return parse_date(value) @start_date.setter def start_date(self, value: date) -> None: self._data["startDate"] = value @property def end_date(self) -> date: """ End of project lifecycle timestamp. """ value = self._data.get("endDate") or "1998-01-01" return parse_date(value) @end_date.setter def end_date(self, value: date) -> None: self._data["endDate"] = value @property def keywords(self) -> list[str]: """ Project keywords for better discoverability. """ return self._data.get("keywords") or [] @keywords.setter def keywords(self, value: list[str]) -> None: self._data["keywords"] = value @property def grant_id(self) -> str: """ Project grant id. """ return self._data.get("grantId") or "" @grant_id.setter def grant_id(self, value: str) -> None: self._data["grantId"] = value @property def slug(self) -> str: """ Project slug - usually a combination out of original project name and some arbitrary Coscine-internal data appended to it. """ return self._data.get("slug") or "" @property def pid(self) -> str: """ Project Persistent Identifier. """ return self._data.get("pid") or "" @property def creator(self) -> str: """ Project creator user ID. """ creator = self._data.get("creator") if creator: return creator.get("id") or "" return "" @property def created(self) -> date: """ Timestamp of when the project was created. If 1998-01-01 is returned, then the created() value is erroneous or missing. """ value = self._data.get("creationDate") or "1998-01-01" return parse_date(value) @property def organizations(self) -> list[Organization]: """ Organizations participating in the project. """ values = self._data.get("organizations", []) return [Organization(data) for data in values] @property def disciplines(self) -> list[Discipline]: """ Scientific disciplines the project is involved with. """ values = self._data.get("disciplines") or [] return [Discipline(data) for data in values] @disciplines.setter def disciplines(self, value: list[Discipline]) -> None: self._data["disciplines"] = [ discipline.serialize() for discipline in value ] @property def visibility(self) -> Visibility: """ Project visibility setting. """ return Visibility(self._data["visibility"]) @visibility.setter def visibility(self, value: Visibility) -> None: self._data["visibility"] = value.serialize() @property def url(self) -> str: """ Project URL - makes the project accessible in the web browser. """ return f"{self.client.base_url}/p/{self.slug}" def __init__(self, client: ApiClient, data: dict) -> None: self.client = client self._data = data def __str__(self) -> str: return tabulate([ ("ID",, ("Name",, ("Display Name", self.display_name), ("Description", "\n".join(wrap(self.description))), ("Principal Investigators", "\n".join( wrap(self.principal_investigators) )), ("Disciplines", "\n".join([str(it) for it in self.disciplines])), ("Organizations", "\n".join( [str(it) for it in self.organizations] )), ("Start Date", self.start_date), ("End Date", self.end_date), ("Date created", self.created), ("Creator", self.creator), ("Grant ID", self.grant_id), ("PID",, ("Slug", self.slug), ("Keywords", ",".join(self.keywords)), ("Visibility", self.visibility) ], disable_numparse=True)
[docs] def match(self, attribute: property, key: str) -> bool: """ Attempts to match the project via the given property and property value. Filterable properties: * * * * Project.display_name * Project.url Returns ------- True If its a match ♥ False Otherwise :( """ if ( (attribute is and == key) or (attribute is and == key) or (attribute is and == key) or (attribute is Project.url and self.url == key) or ( (attribute is Project.display_name) and (self.display_name == key) ) ): return True return False
[docs] def serialize(self) -> dict: """ Marshals the project metadata into machine-readable format. """ return { "name":, "displayName": self.display_name, "description": self.description, "startDate": self.start_date.isoformat(), "endDate": self.end_date.isoformat(), "principleInvestigators": self.principal_investigators, "disciplines": [ discipline.serialize() for discipline in self.disciplines ], "organizations": [ organization.serialize() for organization in self.organizations ], "visibility": self.visibility.serialize(), "keywords": self.keywords, "grantId": self.grant_id, "slug": self.slug, "pid": }
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: """ Deletes the project on the Coscine servers. Be careful when using this function in your code, as users should be prevented from accidentially triggering it! Best to prompt the user before calling this function on whether they really wish to delete their project. """ uri = self.client.uri("projects", self.client.delete(uri)
[docs] def resources(self) -> list[Resource]: """ Retrieves a list of all resources of the project. """ uri = self.client.uri("projects", f"{}", "resources") return [ Resource(self, item) for page in self.client.get(uri).pages() for item in ]
[docs] def resource( self, key: str, attribute: property = Resource.display_name ) -> Resource: """ Returns a single resource via one of its properties. The key can be specified to match any of the ResourceProperty items. """ resources = self.resources() results = list(filter( lambda resource: resource.match(attribute, key), resources )) if len(results) > 1: raise TooManyResults( f"Found more than 1 resource matching the key '{key}'. " "Certain properties such as the name of a resource " "allow for duplicates among other resources." ) if len(results) == 0: raise NotFoundError( f"Failed to find a resource via the key '{key}'! " ) return results[0]
[docs] def download(self, path: str = "./") -> None: """ Downloads the project to the local directory path. """ path = join_paths(path, self.display_name, "") if not isdir(path): mkdir(path) for resource in self.resources():
[docs] def add_member(self, user: User, role: ProjectRole) -> None: """ Adds the project member of another project to the current project. The owner of the Coscine API token must be a member of the other project. """ uri = self.client.uri("projects",, "members"), json={ "roleId":, "userId": })
[docs] def remove_member(self, member: ProjectMember) -> None: """ Removes the member from the project. Does not invalidate the member object in Python - it is up to the API user to not use that variable again. """ uri = self.client.uri("projects",, "members", self.client.delete(uri)
[docs] def invite(self, email: str, role: ProjectRole) -> None: """ Invites an external user via their email address to the Coscine project. """ uri = self.client.uri("projects",, "invitations"), json={ "roleId":, "email": email })
[docs] def quotas(self) -> list[ProjectQuota]: """ Returns the project storage quotas. """ uri = self.client.uri("projects",, "quotas") response = self.client.get(uri) return [ProjectQuota(item) for item in]
[docs] def members(self) -> list[ProjectMember]: """ Returns the list of all members of the current project. """ uri = self.client.uri("projects",, "members") return [ ProjectMember(self, item) for page in self.client.get(uri).pages() for item in ]
[docs] def invitations(self) -> list[ProjectInvitation]: """ Returns the list of all outstanding project invitations. """ uri = self.client.uri("projects",, "invitations") return [ ProjectInvitation(item) for page in self.client.get(uri).pages() for item in ]
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """ Updates a Coscine project's settings. To update certain properties just access the properties of the coscine.Project class directly and call Project.update() when done. """ uri = self.client.uri("projects", self.client.put(uri, json=self.serialize())
[docs] def create_resource( self, name: str, display_name: str, description: str, license: License, visibility: Visibility, disciplines: list[Discipline], resource_type: ResourceType, quota: int, application_profile: ApplicationProfileInfo, usage_rights: str = "", keywords: list[str] | None = None ) -> Resource: """ Creates a new Coscine resource within the project. Parameters ---------- name The full name of the resource. display_name The shortened display name of the resource. description The description of the resource. license License for the resource contents. visibility Resource metadata visibility (relevant for search). disciplines Associated/Involved scientific disciplines. resource_type The Cosciner resource type. quota Resource quota in GB (irrelevant for linked data resources). application_profile The metadata application profile for the resource. notes Data usage notes keywords Keywords (relevant for search). """ rds_options = { "quota": { "value": quota, "unit": "" } } options = { "linked": { "linkedResourceTypeOptions": {} }, "gitlab": { "gitlabResourceTypeOptions": {}, # currently unsupported }, "rds": { "rdsResourceTypeOptions": rds_options }, "rdss3": { "rdsS3ResourceTypeOptions": rds_options }, "rdss3worm": { "rdsS3WormResourceTypeOptions": rds_options } } data: dict = { "name": name, "displayName": display_name, "description": description, "keywords": keywords if keywords else [], "license": license.serialize(), "visibility": visibility.serialize(), "disciplines": [ discipline.serialize() for discipline in disciplines ], "resourceTypeId":, "resourceTypeOptions": options[resource_type.general_type], "applicationProfile": { "uri": application_profile.uri }, "usageRights": usage_rights } uri = self.client.uri("projects",, "resources") return Resource(self,, json=data).data)